Datasource for multiple choice fields

The power and flexibility of a multiple choice field comes from:

  • the items it can display
  • and where those Items can be taken from (the source of the data - datasource)

The multiple choice fields that are available in Action Form share a series of datasources like, but not limited to:

Even though they each have particularities, they do share one thing in common; the datasource should contain items with:

  • Text (what is visible in the field and shown to the user)
  • and Value (the value of the field in the background) which is optional; in case the Value is missing(not specified), it will take the value of Text

On the back-end, the Text and Value of a multiple choice field can be addressed by using the [field_name:Text] and [field_name:Value]. ([field_name] can also be used and usually references the value of the field but it is in a more human-readable format like csv instead of JSON array for the multiplechoice with checkboxes field)