RazorScript optimizations

1) Debug Script

When this option is turned on the token execution is a bit slower so the Debug Script Option should always be set to off after the token is ready for use.

2) Script Body

Here is the razor script body. You can also use other tokens here, preferably with the @TokenNamespace.TokenName syntax.

How MyTokens handles subtokens:

  • [TokenNamespace:TokenName] subtokens
    • For this syntax MyTokens will tokenize the script body and with the result it creates an .dll file that will be used for tokenization.
  • @TokenNamespace.TokenName syntax
    • For this syntax MyTokens recognizes the subtokens as variables inside the script to the .dll file associated will be created with the variables inside ( no tokenization beforehand)

All tokens inside the script body with the normal syntax [TokenNamespace:TokenName] should be replaced with the @ syntax. This tokens run a little slower and depending on the script body MyTokens might need to create multiple .dll files for a token that contains subtokens written with this syntax.

As an example of how this optimization works:

  • Syntax with []

Script example:

string name = "Hello my name is " + "[TknParams:ParameterName]";

Since the tokenization happens before the .dll file MyTokens creates a new file for each different parameter value it receives.

So if the token is used inside a module as [TokenNamespace:TokenName(NameValue=[User:Username])] , MyTokens will create a new .dll file for each user that needs/uses this token. For 1000 users this means 1000 files.

  • Syntax with @

Script example:

string name = "Hello my name is " + @TknParams.ParameterName;

Since the subtoken is seen as a variable a single .dll file is created. So if the token is used inside a module as [TokenNamespace:TokenName(NameValue=[User:Username])] , MyTokens will create a single .dll file for all users that need/use this token. For 1000 users this means only one file.