Button Properties
Both button types(item button/grid button) in Action Grid have similar properties which determine:
How they look:
- Title - the text that appears on the button
- Condition - boolean expression used to determine if button will be shown or not (evaluated when page loads for grid buttons and on datasource refresh for item buttons)
- Enable Conditionally - boolean expression used to determine if button will be enabled or not (evaluated when page loads for grid buttons and on datasource refresh for item buttons)
- Style (default, primary, warning, danger)
- custom CSS class
- Icon (Font Awesome or Glyphicon)
Who has permission to use them
Their functionality:
- Ask for confirmation before executing the actions
- Client button to execute only client side actions without the extra ajax call to the server (All server side actions from the button will be deleted upon saving)
- Javascript code to be executed before the actions
- Actions to run when button is clicked
Apart from all the above, grid buttons have some extra functionality:
- Actions are split in 3:
- Initialization Actions that are execute once to setup the context
- Per Item Actions that are executed for each selected item in the grid
- Final Actions that are executed once after all the actions described above have completed
- Requires Selection to show the button only when at least one item from grid is selected
- Requires Data to show the button only if there is at least one item returned by the datasource(even when filtered or searched)
- Show Count to place a label inside the button showing the number of selected items
- Show Sum that allows you to select a column for which to calculate sum of selected items or all items visible on grid and show it on the button
Requires Data was introduced in Action Grid 5.0.120
Show Sum was introduced in Action Grid 5.0.95