Content Sources

According to the Architecture a content source is responsible to get new content to be indexed. The steps to develop a custom content source would be:

  • Add a configuration file in ContentSources folder (see local .readme.txt)
  • Create your own project with a class that implements DnnSharp.SearchBoost.Core.ContentSource.IContentSource
    • implement the Query method that returns a IEnumerable<Core.Indexing.IndexingJob>.
    • implement ComputeResultUrl method. The default should be: return new GenericUrlResolver(searchResult, searchContext).GetUrlForSearchResult();

For SearchBoost >= 4.0.0 you can use the following sample:

using DnnSharp.SearchBoost.Core.Behaviors;
using DnnSharp.SearchBoost.Core.ContentSource;
using DnnSharp.SearchBoost.Core.Indexing;
using DnnSharp.SearchBoost.Core.Search;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;

namespace MyImplementation.MyContentSources {
    public class FirstContentSource : IContentSource {

        public static int StartId { get; set; } = 0;

        public string ComputeResultUrl(SbSearchResult searchResult, SearchContext searchContext) {
            return new GenericUrlResolver() {
                SearchResult = searchResult,
                SearchContext = searchContext

        const string MyContent = @"My Test Content";

        public IEnumerable<IndexingJob> Query(SearchBehavior behavior, DateTimeOffset? since, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {

            for (var i = StartId; i < StartId + 10; i++) {
                var job = new IndexingJob();
                job.ContentSourceId = "DnnModules";
                job.Due = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                job.DatePublished = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                job.Action = "add";
                job.Priority = ePriorityIndexingJob.Low;

                job.BehaviorId = behavior.Id;
                job.PortalId = 0;
                job.TabId = 1;
                job.ModuleId = 1;

                job.Metadata.Type = "mod";
                job.Metadata.SubType = "Test Module";

                job.Metadata.Url = "";

                job.ItemId = "test-" + i;
                job.Metadata.Title = "Test " + i;
                job.Contents = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(MyContent);
                job.ContentType = "text/plain";
                job.Metadata.DatePublished = DateTimeOffset.Now;

                job.Metadata.ItemId = job.ItemId;
                job.Metadata.ItemPath = "test/"+i;

                job.Metadata.ContainerId = "Test";
                job.Metadata.ContainerName = "Test";
                job.Metadata.ContainerPath = "Test";

                yield return job;


Note that you can use the IndexingJob class to create your own job in other places of your code and simply call the Save() method on that job object,

    Common2.Services.Dnn.IPortalService PortalService { get; set; }

    void SaveJob(SearchBehavior behavior) {

        var job = new IndexingJob();
        job.ContentSourceId = "DnnModules";
        job.Due = DateTimeOffset.Now;
        job.DatePublished = DateTimeOffset.Now;
        job.Action = "add";
        job.Priority = ePriorityIndexingJob.Low;

        job.BehaviorId = BehaviorService.GetDefaultBehavior(PortalService.GetCurrentPortalSettings().PortalId).Id; // all jobs must belong to a behavior
        // or you can get it by name using:
        // job.BehaviorId = BehaviorService.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == behaviorName && x.PortalId == portalId)
        job.PortalId = 0;
        job.TabId = 1;
        job.ModuleId = 1;

        job.Metadata.Type = "mycustomtype"; 
        job.Metadata.SubType = "SomeSubType";

        job.Metadata.Url = ""; // you can add here a custom url for search result, otherwise it will redirect to the specified tabid property

        job.ItemId = "MyUniqueId";
        job.Metadata.Title = "Job Title In Results";
        job.Contents = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("My Custom Content");
        job.ContentType = "text/plain";
        job.Metadata.DatePublished = DateTimeOffset.Now;

        job.Metadata.ItemId = job.ItemId;
        job.Metadata.ItemPath = "test/path_if_needed"; // useful for files, to get them from DNN when using the DnnFileClient content client

        job.ContentClient = "MyCustomContentClient"; // Content clients are defined in /Config/ContentClients folders, and here you type their ID property, like "WebClient" or "DnnFile"
        job.ContentClientOptions = new Common.SettingsDictionary(); // this is pased to the content client for further options. Not needed for the default ones.

        job.Metadata.ContainerId = "Test";
        job.Metadata.ContainerName = "Test";
        job.Metadata.ContainerPath = "Test";


Older Versions

Here is a sample that works with SearchBoost >= 3.1.43, up until SearchBoost <= 4.0.0:

using DnnSharp.SearchBoost.Core.ContentSource;
using DnnSharp.SearchBoost.Core.Indexing;
using DnnSharp.SearchBoost.Core.Search;
using DnnSharp.Common.Logging;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace avt.SearchBoost.TestPlugin.ContentSources
    public class TestContentSource : IContentSource
        public void Query(TypedLogger<SearchInstance> logger, Core.Indexing.LuceneStorage dataStore, Core.IEngineSettings config, Core.Indexing.IndexingStatistics stats) {
        public IEnumerable<Core.Indexing.IndexingJob> Query(SearchInstance instance, DateTimeOffset? since, TypedLogger<SearchInstance> logger) {
            List<IndexingJob> toReturn = new List<IndexingJob>();
            // creating a new indexing job using the contructor with required properties:
            IndexingJob job = new IndexingJob(instance, contentSourceId: "MyContentSourceId", action: "add", type: "plugin",
                itemId: "uniqueJobId", title: "Title", portalId: 0);
            // we want the item to be indexed right away
            job.Due = DateTime.Now;
            // the job will have a higher priority
            job.Priority = ePriorityIndexingJob.High;
            // let's say the item was last modified yesterday
            job.Metadata.DatePublished = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToUniversalTime();
            // show item in results for all users (using DNN user roles)
            job.Metadata.Roles = new List<string> { "All Users" };
            job.Metadata.OriginalName = "Item original name";
            // the item result url will have added the following query string params:
            job.Metadata.QueryString = "Param1=value&Param2=otherValue";
            // the content that will be indexed and used for result description:
            job.Contents = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("xyz content");
            // show this description (if "Highlight search terms" is disabled)
            job.Metadata.Description = "custom description";
            // this is saved in index (not searchable)
            // can accessed in your custom output template with <xsl:value-of select="data/field[@name='somekey']"></xsl:value-of> (returns first element = data1) 
            // you can also filter by appending query string param sbc-somekey=filterValue
            job.Metadata.Data.Add(new Core.Model.CustomData {
                Name = "somekey",
                Values = new List<string> { "data1", "data2" }
            // other properties:
            job.Metadata.ContainerId = "container id";
            job.Metadata.ContainerName = "container name";
            return toReturn;
        public string ComputeResultUrl(Core.Search.SbSearchResult searchResult, Core.Search.SearchContext searchContext) {
            return new GenericUrlResolver(searchResult, searchContext).GetUrlForSearchResult();