Execute Javascript

This action will allow you to execute javascript code on a click of a button, similar to the code you usually write in the on change/click field of a button/form field.

IMPORTANT: The javascript code that you run using this action will execute by following the natural order of the actions on the button (ex: first run an sql query and then run javascript code) while the javascript code you write on the on change/click field will be executed before all actions on the button.

With this action you will also be able to:

  • condition the execution of the code by using boolean expressions (or conditions that upon execution will evaluate to true/false)
  • run multiple final actions available in the public APIs (like initform, openpopup, closemodal,….)


You have 2 options for this action:

  • Execute Javascript Code And Continue Execution
  • Execute Javascript Code And Stop Execution


The first one is recommended when you want to have another action after this one, and the second one is recommended when this action will be the last one.