The Slider Field allows users to slide through the values of an array. It offers dual handles, floating point values, text/label/select output.
On submit, it will generate the following tokens: [<FieldName>] (which yields the value), [<FieldName>:StartValue], [<FieldName>:EndValue].
Initial Value
- Determines which value or interval (e.g.: 10, 20) is initially selected. Also sets the number of slider handles, either 1 or 2. This field supports My Tokens.
Start Text
- Displays the initial value/text of the slider and therefore the position of the first handle.
End Text
- Displays the highest value/text of the slider.
Help Text
- Description of the option; appears beneath the handler.
Min Value
- Value setting the minimum slider value.
Max Value
- Value setting the maximum slider value.
Step Value
- Value setting the slider step value.
Slider Captions
Append Slider Captions. For decimals use “.”. Can contain form tokens (for example [Email]) and
My Tokens. Example: One (Name) - 1 (Value), Two (Name) - 2 (Value).
Slider Caption Classes
Append Slider Caption Css Classes. Can contain form tokens (for example [Email]) and
My Tokens. Example: label label-danger (Class) - 1 (Value), label label-success (Class) - 2 (Value).
- Determines the slider width in px, em or percentage.
Display Tooltip
- Determines if the tooltip with the current value is displayed.
Slider Orientation
- Sets the orientation (horizontal, vertical) of the slider.